πŸ“ˆCalculation Power Settlement Formula

T FLOPS: the unit of general-purpose arithmetic computation.

Arithmetic settlement uses the PPS (Pay Per Share) settlement method, which is based on the percentage of arithmetic contribution from a single device in the arithmetic pool, and the arithmetic stable supply incentive fee.

Arithmetic Gain

Arithmetic Pool Reward

Stable Supply Incentive Fee


settlement terms

(accountancy, law)



Block Rewards

Fee Rate


Yield calculation formula

Arithmetic input workload / Arithmetic overhead * Share incentive * (1 - rate)

Total user power / (total pool power - SOLO settlement)

* Return on shares * (1 - rate)


Allocation rules and time

Every half hour, the allocation is based on the current arithmetic overhead, which is calculated as the percentage of the user's arithmetic to the total arithmetic of the mining pool (excluding SOLO settlement arithmetic) during

the 30-minute cycle.


by block

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